Questions and comments that came in during the live chat (some of which were answered during the panel):
вкαя∂εℓℓ @briankardell:
Does anyone know if don has written about this early 90’s experience somewhere? I would love to read this history
Simon Pieters @zcorpan:
I’d like to know too
karenmyers @karenmyers:
I like Cameron Wilson’s real estate use case and multiple tabs open in browser; I can identify with this.
Fred Esch @fredesch:
zilliow, realtor .com
Bryan Haberberger @thehabes:
Don’t forget about politics. In the U.S., gerrymandering maps are a great use case.
This question may be for the GeoSeer people. Is there a published discovery API?
Fred Esch @fredesch:
At my work we use the Google Maps API to show everything we need (locations, directions, …) does the existence of Google Maps make it harder for open standards adoption and getting data in open standards?
Bryan Haberberger @thehabes:
@fredesch having to flip flop coords from Google to get them to draw correctly in Leaflet is infuriating.
Simon Pieters @zcorpan:
Question for Don: are there special needs/requirements for maps for NASA? Like a timeline dimension or other? has a timeline scrubber, for context 
вкαя∂εℓℓ @briankardell:
@zcorpan I believe the previous speaker was saying something about that earlier? everything has a space and time ?
tguild @tguild:
Question for Cameron: shouldn’t governments require private research funded with tax dollars to make their data available for public good?
(also note the other NRC Canada has a public/private data lake initiative where private entities voluntarily open data)
Bryan Haberberger @thehabes:
In the wednesday break-out, we will be talking about GeoJSON-T (
Joan Masó @joanma747:
We have to thing on how we can express a time slider in MapML. I suppose, it is part of the “controls”.But we need the time in the URL template of tiles so it need to go as an “input” describing the time dimension of the tiles
Iván Sánchez Ortega @IvanSanchez:
@joanma747 That’s a fourth dimension to the map (lat, lng, zoom, time), and first we should separate the data visualization from the UI (buttons, sliders)
Also, one individual tile can hold several time periods (in the same vein that a RGBA image holds 4 samples)
Bryan Haberberger @thehabes:
Would the map HTML element be able to facilitate the argument of conflicting georeferences? One task I see float around is comparing georectifications of the same map, especially when differentiating systems lie underneath.
Joan Masó @joanma747:
Related to “think about how users consume maps”. Do users have enough with orthophotos and streets? (google maps) or they require more content?. If they require more content, we should focus on provide that content
Open data about covid-19 made me crazy!.
Doug Schepers @shepazu:
What types of maps are not currently supported by advertising-driven map services? (i.e. beyond navigation)
Joan Masó @joanma747:
Most info is only indirectly referenced by code and in one format of each provider
Fred Esch @fredesch:
In Florida where I live, surveys can converted to PDF and the PDF is as legal of document as a drawn survey with a raised seal. (They can use a checksum to verify the PDF).
Joan Masó @joanma747:
I end up building python to “reconfigure” it. A interoperability disaster.
Francesco Bartoli @francbartoli:
Open data about covid-19 made me crazy!.
Iván Sánchez Ortega @IvanSanchez:
I disagree with the position of some of the speakers re: “a standard will make it easier to web authors”. In my experience, the typical web author copy-pastes code from stackoverflow and doesn’t care if that’s HTML or a Leaflet snippet or a piece of made-in-hell React bloat.
Joan Masó @joanma747:
@ivan, You have your point. The problem is when combining data together.
вкαя∂εℓℓ @briankardell:
…what about maps for things that aren’t… on the earth?
is someone like, say… nasa, interested in mapping mars or the moon or something? do these services deal with that?
Iván Sánchez Ortega @IvanSanchez:
@briankardell Yes. You just change the CRS (“the EPSG Code”) and things should work
вкαя∂εℓℓ @briankardell:
thanks @IvanSanchez
Joan Masó @joanma747:
For the moment, what I saw is that we use the same technologies with other CRS. But what to do if your object is not round? 
Simon Pieters @zcorpan:
@joanma747 Bennu seems spherical enough that a sphere-based CRS probably works well enough. Might be harder with something like ʻOumuamua (if there were pictures of it) 
Doug Schepers @shepazu:
I disagree with the position of some of the speakers re: “a standard will make it easier to web authors”. In my experience, the typical web author copy-pastes code from stackoverflow and doesn’t care if that’s HTML or a Leaflet snippet or a piece of made-in-hell React bloat.
@IvanSanchez I think there’s a distinction to be made between “simple to copy” and “simple to build a mental model”. A higher-level abstraction would let the copy-pasters start to understand over time what they’re doing… otherwise, we build a cargo-cult priesthood