A meta catagory for User Interface Accessibility (or ICT Accessibility Standards) is needed to help identify end-user accessibility issues in web technologies, as they align to WCAG 2.0 and other Standards, such as the U.S. Access Board’s IT Accessibility Standards (Section 508) and pending Refresh https://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/communications-and-it/about-the-ict-refresh
I make this observation as part of the US CIO Council Accessibility Community of Practice, working to update our Harmonized Testing Process for Section 508 Compliance [https://www.dhs.gov/compliance-test-processes] that aligns Section 508 accessibility testing with most of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) success criteria, in preparation for the upcoming Section 508 refresh, we are seeking to create test cases focused on pass and fail for end-user accessibility standards.
I thought discussions here may be of use to our community of practice and accessibility practitioners in general.
It has been suggested to start with https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests as examples and create seperate accessibility tests that illustrate our test process critera, as well as review existing web platform tests to determine if they are accessible, or need futher modification or additional example tests. I’d welcome any suggestions for content that can be leveraged into a standard baseline testing approach for new processes or tools. If there was an accessibility catagory, I would have posted there.