Link to the slides:
Pygeoapi - an OGC API to geospatial data

Video of the PyGeoAPI talk that goes with those slides, at the Maps for the Web workshop, with Tom Kralidis speaking.
@francbartoli also shares a demo starting at 1:00:40.
Comments from the live chat during the presentations:
Bryan Haberberger @thehabes: @tomkralidis that’s cool, I had not yet seen a mapping implementation around meteorology. Lots of dynamic data going on there.
karenmyers @karenmyers: Does OGC have data on global adoption of the standard, particularly around meteorology?
Bryan Haberberger @thehabes: @francbartoli what context is the JSON-LD output using?
Francesco Bartoli @francbartoli: @thehabes
Bryan Haberberger @thehabes: @francbartoli wonderful. I was curious if there was an internal one or if you were using the GeoJSON-LD one. We are working on migrating and maintinging it to be up to speed with JSON-LD 1.1 and enhance the vocab
Francesco Bartoli @francbartoli: @thehabes if you want to take a look at an online instance there is a covid-19 one with data republished on-the-fly from JHU ArcGIS, Dutch goverment and the Italian one (via CSV fetched from a GitHub repository)
Bryan Haberberger @thehabes: @francbartoli great, thank you. I have a technical curiosity about some of the techniques used in that system, especially for LDing

@karenmyers OGC does not have stats on acceptance of Tom’s work in Meteorology, as it is new work. But we (meteorology community) are very keen and are working towards OGC’s APIs becoming part of future international and global federated data infrastructures for environmental sciences, operational meteorology in particular. Below the surface, we are paddling like mad to ensure various national, international regional and global organsations, like the UN’s World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) are lined up. Does that answer your question?

@chris-little Just an informational note, my job is to develop and operate webmaps/GIS to help with communications infrastructure operations.
As natural disasters have become more serious in our region in recent years, one of the things that users are most interested in is live and forecast layers on weather and earthquakes.
And in many cases, these layers deliver content in a format that is unique to each site.
In my view, I’m not too opposed to such proprietary forms of data. I rather prefer a flexible framework that allows for easy layering of such custom data, so that’s what I’m developing.

@satakagi In that case, you will be interested that meteorologists, world-wide, are trying develop a RESTful Environmental Data Retrieval API as an OGC standard. Work is being done in a Github repository
The API will supplement, or perhaps even replace, the earlier restrictive profile of OGC WMS 1.3 standard that meteorologists developed. Data retrieval using the OGC Web Coverage Service standard is too complicated for non-expert users and not highly scalable to large numbers of users.
We plan to have an OGC sponsored virtual hackathon/plugfest on 9/10 Nov 2020 to ensure existing clients and servers inter-operate properly.
The OGC plan is then to release a variety of RESTful APIs in December.
I will soon set up a specific GitHub repo for the Plugfest and we will be discussing the objectives and working details in the next two weeks.
Your ideas for emergency and disaster management resources and SVG map generation may be a useful scenario, and I am sure we could find a way of inviting you.