We are seeing that OGC API tiles uses the same MapML tile templates. Actually the common OGC URI template can be expressed in MapML as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<extent units="OSMTILE">
<input name="tileCol" type="location" units="tilematrix" axis="column" />
<input name="tileRow" type="location" units="tilematrix" axis="row" />
<input name="tileMatrix" type="zoom" value="15" min="0" max="15">
<link rel="tile" tref="https://.../tiles/WebMercatorQuad/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}/" />
Actually we could make an extension of OGC API Tiles to suggest another Tileset metadata document that will make that a GET request to this endpoint \collections{collectionId}\tiles{TileMatrixSetId} negociating “text/mapml” as content type will return a mapml document pointing to the right collectionId.
This will completely connect OGC API tiles and MapML
For more details on the proposal, see the presentation done in the Maps for the web 2020 conferences in the second day of the first week called “Connection of the MapML initiative with OGC standards such as the new OGC API Tiles candidate or the old WMS”.