A partial archive of discourse.wicg.io as of Saturday February 24, 2024.

Maps and the extensible web model


Duing the Maps for the Web workshop, Brian Kardell (@briankardell) gave a talk on “Extending the Web: Maps, The Commons, and Pie”, about how standardizing web maps needs to fit into the web platform process & priorities.

There’s lots of discussion on discourse about extending the web in general, but I’d like to continue the discussion here about how that affects web map standardization potential.


Here are some comments from the live chat during Brian’s presentation:

  • Fred Esch @fredesch: Seems like Brian is talking about React…

  • Amelia Bellamy-Royds @AmeliaBR: I don’t think he meant to suggest React components, but rather standard web components! (but if we can make React components easier to make user friendly, too, that wouldn’t be bad…)

  • baditaflorin @baditaflorin: [re non-geo use cases] And group maps, for class/school/ teams, Collaborative group maps To see one use-case, this is what I did at the university where I was, so that students can call persons when they are in other parts of the city if they want to meet with a fellow student at home or where they work https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/locatie-studenti-cros_12736#13/44.4264/26.1084


openui is trying to document a kind of open design agreement for many things - that might also be interesting, short of, or as a step to a standard map viewer if it seems that there are common web map styling needs, or scripting/coordination needs


Thank you for the talk, it was a valuable introduction to the many material concerns that affect the development of standards, and also made me hungry for pie.