I have an interesting idea, I call this idea Open, Free, Libre Statistics or OFLS. For this, I will make some initial assumptions.
1. Initial Problem
- Every tech company or any privately held company in any field wants to make a profit. Profit is important for all company activities: research, human resources management, hiring people to develop and improve technologies, solutions, etc.
- Most online advertising focuses on users and not on privacy, security, anonymity - this occurs in most cases, search for topics, flocs, cookies etc - these other technologies “will always track users”
- I want the internet to be a place where people can be transparent, can have a good and accessible means of communication - something that has been the goal since the 90s.
- I would like to help build something interesting and viable for companies, people - Mozilla has a motto “our company focuses on people over profit”
- Based on the above idea, I would like there to be advertising focused on public, free, libre, open statistics - and for people to have consent to these public statistics if they use things like smartphones, computers or notebooks etc.
- This model would be sustainable, companies can help other companies with public data collected - There are initiatives such as open data that is a movement or an idea to have open data, to have transparency whether for companies, governments, market, science, technology etc.
- A good example of this is Google Trends, it is not possible to know the name of the users or addresses, telephone numbers etc - consumption habits are anonymized in numbers and statistics
- Currently, proposals such as Flocs, Topics, Cookies tend to have a lot of user information - which most of the time the user himself is not aware of, this can be resolved and has been resolved with clear security and privacy policies on the sites - but current technologies, even with these clear security and privacy policies, they still don’t have good security, privacy implementations.
- The purpose of my proposal here would be to provide an api that is based on user usage statistics and these usage statistics can be private, anonymous, public or open.
- It is the user who must decide whether these statistics are public, open, private or anonymous.
- I didn’t find information about private technologies alternatives to cookies, flocs, topics - which are 2 technologies proposed by Google.
- I’m not criticizing any company, browser here - I’m proposing improvements so that companies and people have better communication here.
2. Initial Solution
- We should have a guide to questions about what data is collected and what the purposes of that data are.
- This question guide can guide the user and being built for this purpose.
- Currently, there are several licenses to use data a common license is open data, here is the research/source reference: https://data.worldbank.org/
- It would be necessary to evaluate which data is allowed and which data is not allowed
- The data collected by the users must be anonymized in such a way that this generates only a graph and not sensitive information of people.
3. What data is collected?
- How much time does the user spend on the site?
- What are the pages he visits the most?
- What content do you like the most?
4. Notes
- We can generate these numbers and create a standard deviation - the objective of creating a standard deviation in the statistics could anonymize some data and with that you have a more private, secure api.
- This api shouldn’t be for companies - it’s for people for companies. “It’s the market that decides the technology or the people” - I read that somewhere - I wish there was an api called open, libre, free, public statistics on consumption data or OFLS - Open, Free, Libre Statistics.
- This proposal is an early draft and no algorithm has been made yet.
- I would like to have positive or negative feedback on this initial idea
- The great advantage of this api is that companies and people have access to the data collected - And they can help protect more data or recover more data.
- My goal would be to have an API to foster a free market of data consumption, something like linux - I would like to have a general purpose API for companies and people.
- This could generate competitiveness in companies to offer better solutions and force the user to charge companies that use this data.
5. Common problems: cookies/topics/flocs
- User identification with consumption pattern
- User data collection
- Data collection transparency
6.1 Alternatives Cookies
There are currently 4 different ways to store data on client-side without using cookies:
- Local Storage (Session and Local key/value pairs)
- Web SQL (my favorite, it’s a whole SQL Database, and it’s NOT obsolete)
- IndexedDB (another Database with different structure and acceptance)
- Service Workers (Persistent background processing, even while offline, can asynchronously save files and many other things)
- One of the Fundamental principals of REST, and I mean real REST is not to store state on the server, if there is no state on the server, then there is no need for a cookie to be used as a key to look that state up.
- We can have an api in RESTful to communicate statistics data without necessarily having to store something from the user for that - It is not necessary to store user data - we can pass usage states by companies and this would not be the user himself - the way the user uses the site and the internet - creates statistics and numbers that are open, public or private or anonymous.
- User can decide which company he wants to have information from him.
- This could be done with this proposal here: Extending HTML As a Hypermedia - #10 by raphaellouis and/or Measuring user interaction time with website - #12 by raphaellouis - “the way the user interacts with the page generates information for the page itself”
- I recently read this proposal: [Proposal] Built-in E2E encryption into web browsers - #2 by hamblingreg52 - and I think this proposal can help this concept that I’m developing here
- I’ve read several technology solutions for privacy - the links I left here confirm some initial assumptions I made and are referenced bibliography
- I am creating this alternative here as a “solution” to solve the big problems or try to solve some privacy problems on websites
- My solution is used as technologies such as cookies/flocs/topics within the webpage itself and not externally by the user
- The way the user uses the page generates information from the page itself and not from the user
- We still need things like browsers, search engines to make this work.
- Within the html page itself - the company decides which data will be collected for its own server for eventually some consumption analysis - this data is generated by the way the user interacts on the page itself - I call this OFLS over hypertext
- OFLS is self-generated metadata - reference: [Proposal] Document Element Metadata
6. References
- https://www.thurrott.com/cloud/web-browsers/261835/brave-says-floc-you-to-googles-topics-api
- Brave vs. Google Chrome: Which is the better browser for you?
- ads-privacy/FLOC-Whitepaper-Google.pdf at master · google/ads-privacy · GitHub
- GitHub - google/ads-privacy
- W3C Privacy Activity
- What is a Cookie? How it works and ways to stay safe
- Fake WordPrssAPI Stealing Cookies and Hijacking Sessions
- Snigel | 9 Best Alternatives To Third Party Cookies (2022) Definitive Guide
- Alternative to HTTP Cookies? - Stack Overflow
- Alternatives To Third Party Cookies ➜ 7 User Identity Alternatives | Admixer Blog
- Privacy Community Group · GitHub