A partial archive of discourse.wicg.io as of Saturday February 24, 2024.

BlockProtocol: innovative/revolutionary concept?


1. BlockProtocol: innovative/revolutionary concept?

1.1 What is block protocol?

The Block Protocol enables applications to make their interfaces infinitely extensible with interoperable components called blocks.

1.2 Why talk about this topic?

  1. Most code editors in vscode, sublime text and even word processors like Obsidian, Google Docs among others like Notion and Evernote are with the concept of blocks
  2. It is a new concept and I would like to know your all opinion
  3. I didn’t find much information about WICG about the implementation of the concept of blocks in HTML - but I’m excited, I love technology and whenever I can I follow news
  4. The subject here will be about the blocks protocol: positives and negatives
  5. “Our hope is that this will make life much easier for app developers to support a huge variety of block types. At the same time, anyone can develop a block once and have it work in any blog platform, note-taking app, or content management system. It is all 100% free, open, and any sample code we develop showing how to use the protocol will be open-source.” - reference: Making the web better. With blocks! – Joel on Software

  6. “We’re hoping to foster an open source community that creates a huge open source library of amazing blocks:”

1.3 concept

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2. links


Having standard, interoperable “blocks” seems interesting. However, does an application have to include React, Vue, and all the other frontend frameworks in order to work? That seems really expensive. Why not pick one?


It seems to me that these blocks aim to be a standard for components. But I fail to see how they could possibly be more interoperable than Web Components, or more usable than those created by other frameworks like React, Vue, Angular or Svelte. It looks to me like an additional layer on top of those.

The ecosystem seems pretty complete already, but how would it fit as a Web standard?


It is another technology that can possibly make the web more semantic such as DF, SPARQL, OWL, SKOS. Just like there are web standards like css/html/js - the idea of ​​blocks is to have a visual interface standard… this involves both html and css and js. The problem is that you have to use a series of frameworks and technologies just to have a visual set up… and that’s where the concept of blocks is interesting - in theory you wouldn’t need frameworks to use something visual this already exists and is pre-configured in browsers or also in text editors

This in general terms facilitates web development(SPA/MPA/Web Apps/dApps etc) and also the way the user interacts on the page. This can increase the ability of certain people to create certain data rules on the web. It’s like a lego, everything is already assembled and preconfigured - I think. It’s like you build your own lego and you can assemble, share, and send people an instruction manual on how to assemble and create your own lego or manage the lego you created or built too. The main advantage of this for creating the standard is that it makes the web more Semantic.

“Having standard, interoperable “blocks” seems interesting.” - yes, yeah true. This can help the solid proposition, if companies are no longer “visual interface holders” - it doesn’t force people to use a certain product or web solution. What will really happen if this format is adopted as a standard such as html/css/js would be that companies would have to have greater value in their product, in general terms this refers only to the user experience and graphical interface … that it produces, but at the same time leaves its development open. And not the main source code of business logic, enterprise administration. This is similar to PDF, the PDF format is adopted by the entire free software industry/community. But that doesn’t force companies to change contract rules or anything.

The format itself is print/share only. The idea of the blocks is to be an open and decentralized proposal of user experience/visual interface, which helps society and companies to make better products. Given that, any company would in theory have a graphical interface database available or any user in theory would also have this same possibility. The difference is that you would not only have centralized servers, but also decentralized or distributed servers for graphical interface/user experience.

Perhaps with this standard adopted, people will write the software the way they need, know or are instructed. If you receive some software with blocks, in theory you could modify it for example, removing buttons and other things without having technical knowledge - just drag n drop. link: Block Protocol – Documentation


Or Just Vanilla JS (which is capable of everything)


We should get rid of those frameworks as soon as possible

What can be a block?
  • Anything that makes sense in a document: a paragraph, list, table, diagram, or a kanban board.
  • Anything that makes sense on the web: an order form, a calendar, a video.
  • Anything that lets you interact with structured or typed data: I’ll get to that in a minute.

If you work on any kind of editor—be it a blogging tool, a note-taking app, a content management system, or anything like that—you should allow your users to embed blocks that conform to the Block Protocol. This way you can write the embedding code once and immediately make your editor able to embed a rich variety of block types with no extra work on your part.


if I could sum it all up, I would say that the reason for it to become a web standard is this: idea you can write UI components anywhere that conform to a standard and then reuse them on other apps and platforms - is something that I find interesting for the web to make it more semantic and standardized