It is another technology that can possibly make the web more semantic such as DF, SPARQL, OWL, SKOS. Just like there are web standards like css/html/js - the idea of blocks is to have a visual interface standard… this involves both html and css and js. The problem is that you have to use a series of frameworks and technologies just to have a visual set up… and that’s where the concept of blocks is interesting - in theory you wouldn’t need frameworks to use something visual this already exists and is pre-configured in browsers or also in text editors
This in general terms facilitates web development(SPA/MPA/Web Apps/dApps etc) and also the way the user interacts on the page. This can increase the ability of certain people to create certain data rules on the web. It’s like a lego, everything is already assembled and preconfigured - I think. It’s like you build your own lego and you can assemble, share, and send people an instruction manual on how to assemble and create your own lego or manage the lego you created or built too. The main advantage of this for creating the standard is that it makes the web more Semantic.
“Having standard, interoperable “blocks” seems interesting.” - yes, yeah true. This can help the solid proposition, if companies are no longer “visual interface holders” - it doesn’t force people to use a certain product or web solution. What will really happen if this format is adopted as a standard such as html/css/js would be that companies would have to have greater value in their product, in general terms this refers only to the user experience and graphical interface … that it produces, but at the same time leaves its development open. And not the main source code of business logic, enterprise administration. This is similar to PDF, the PDF format is adopted by the entire free software industry/community. But that doesn’t force companies to change contract rules or anything.
The format itself is print/share only. The idea of the blocks is to be an open and decentralized proposal of user experience/visual interface, which helps society and companies to make better products. Given that, any company would in theory have a graphical interface database available or any user in theory would also have this same possibility. The difference is that you would not only have centralized servers, but also decentralized or distributed servers for graphical interface/user experience.
Perhaps with this standard adopted, people will write the software the way they need, know or are instructed. If you receive some software with blocks, in theory you could modify it for example, removing buttons and other things without having technical knowledge - just drag n drop. link: Block Protocol – Documentation