I do not speak English very well so I use google it is possible to make a site accessible to all respecting WCAG / W3C standards with an automated solution
automated solution for digital accessibility meeting standard wcag

I do not speak English very well so I use google it is possible to make a site accessible to all respecting WCAG / W3C standards with an automated solution
No, it is not possible.
An automated tool can check for some accessibility issues, but not all of them. For example, an automated tool can check that an image has a text description, but it cannot tell if the description is correct (if it is useful to a blind person).
Automated accessibility tools are helpful, but they must be used in addition to other types of testing: testing by the person developing the website, and testing by people with disabilities who will use the website.

Hello, That’s the only reason? if that’s the only reason it’s beautiful! auditing, site redesign and upgrades are disproportionately expensive. it is better to post an image with a description that may be wrong than doing nothing. I agree with you we are going towards a technological breakthrough.